We all have fathers, but how each of us experience a father’s love is different. Most of the time these relationships are loving and intimate. Jesus had a loving and…

Are you in need of renewal?

February 27, 2022
Every time we turn around it seems there is something that needs to be renewed! Driver’s license, insurance, club or association dues. The list is endless. Sometimes they just seem…

Are you trapped by a grudge? 

February 20, 2022
There’s an old country song that talks about a “somebody done somebody wrong” song. When somebody has done us wrong sometimes our reaction is to hold a grudge. Because we…

Would you like to be free?

February 13, 2022
It’s nice to have a feeling of freedom. But when we have a broken bridge with someone – it weighs us down. Whether we are right, wrong, or just misunderstood.…

Is your bridge busted?

February 6, 2022
Sometimes our bridges with others are busted or in need of major repair. Just like the bridges in our national road system. We want to repair our bridges with others,…

It’s over – Now what?

September 5, 2021
It’s over – now what? Something really bad has happened to us – or a loved one. Where can we turn for the help we need? Where is God in…

Are you stressed out?

August 29, 2021
Are you stressed out? Sometimes life just seems to get ahead of us! We all need that “safe place” to get away to catch our breath! What does being stressed…

How do you stay healthy?

August 22, 2021
How do you stay healthy? Are you taking care of yourself? And what about this pandemic coming back? We are in a series on our personal safety and security. What…