
May 17, 2020
Worship Video link: Kalamo Online Worship May 17 2020 Worship Greetings and Opening Prayer Opening Songs What a Friend We Have!                     UMH-526 (vs 1-2) I Love to Tell the Story                    …


May 10, 2020
Worship Video: Kalamo worship May 10 2020 Worship Greetings and Opening Prayer Opening Songs: Blessed Assurance UMH-369 (vs 1-2) In the Garden - UMH 314 (vs 1-2) Welcome and Assurance…
Worship Link:  Kalamo worship May 3 2020 Worship Greetings and Opening Prayer Opening Songs Rock of Ages UMH-361 (vs 1-2) Standing on the Promises - UMH 374 (vs 1-2) Welcome…

On the Road

April 26, 2020
Worship Greetings and Opening Prayer Opening Songs Leaning on the Everlasting UMH-133 (vs 1-2) My Hope is Built - UMH 368 (vs 1-2) Welcome and Assurance The Sacred Story Luke…